• Choose your outfits in advance. Turst me, you don’t want to wait till the last day. You want to wake up feeling relaxed and prepared, so plan these details out early. Make sure your outfit choices are comfortable too!
  • Make sure to have your hair/makeup appointement prior to the session too. These are small details but we want to be perfect for your session.
  • Be well rested and fed, especially the kids. The best time to photograph is during sunrise and two hours before sunset, but for families with small children I advise to schedule your photo session around your child’s nap or bedtime. Having a well rested kid will make for a happy and cooperative mood.
  • Have your husband on board 😉
  • Bring snacks and things that make your child happy, but keep them in the car.  If we need to take a break for a little nibble, no problem. Anything to keep the youngest members of the family happy.
  • Arrive on time.
  • Have fun! Be happy and excited! The day is about you and your family. Don’t stress, the most important thing to remember is to have fun during your family photo session. Let your kids be kids. Laugh and be silly – like them, toss them in the air or chase them. Sometimes, the most unexpected moments make for the best pictures, so enjoy the time you have with your family.



First and foremost make sure they like what they are wearing and that the clothes fit perfectly. They should also feel comfortable wearing the outfit you chose for them, especially shoes. If your daughter doesn’t like wearing dresses, don’t force her to wear one for picture day. If your son thinks that suspenders or bowie is uncomfortable or silly, don’t make him wear those. Happy kids make for happy photos!

If you have multiple children, don’t feel like you need to put them all in the same type of outfit. Mixing up the wardrobe pieces will bring a great visual interest to the photos. It also applies to eveyone. Just avoid neon/ very bright colors and character t-shirts etc. And don’t forget to iron your clothes.